Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fitness Setbacks - When Life Gets In The Way

I haven't been as visible on this blog as I would like. My intention was to share my fitness experience and help encourage others along the way. In all honesty, time isn't always on my side. I never realized how much time it took to research clean eating, plan out meals and focus on my work-outs (even though I have a trainer who puts a comprehensive program in place for me every week) and I'm not even going to mention my full time job (not in fitness), family, friends, social engagements and daily/weekly social media presence (Facebook, Twitter and IG, Google Plus, Snap Chat, Periscope etc etc...). It's amazing how much health has consumed my life and I have no regrets with that being so. 

Unfortunately, I've fallen off focus over the past month. On top of not being as focused, which is really disappointing, I've re-aggravated a previous back injury. So I've been in quite a bit of pain and not able to work out like I have been in the past year. I've discovered that when I'm in pain or feeling down about having to slow my pace down, I do what most people do - reach for comfort foods. So I have put on about 15 lbs. - which makes me feel more disappointed and makes me want to reach for more comfort foods. Now my idea of comfort food isn't Mom's Chicken noodle soup. I have a ferocious sweet tooth and have been cheating on my clean eating. Which is probably why I have gained the weight. 

You see this is a vicious cycle. With the re-introduction of the high amounts of sugar, it effects my chemical balance in my body and causes me to feel a little depressed (sugar is to be respected and not abused). So I'm struggling right now. As I am typing this, I am at my 9 to 5, multi-tasking full of Advil pain medicine and an ice pack on my lower back. Not a pretty sight for me to share. But this is my real life and it if I'm going to share the wins with you, then I need to share to loses and ties as well. What I hope to accomplish here is to let people know that when you are in transition, there are going to highs as well as lows. Right now, I'm in a low (right really, but it sure feels like it), but all of that can change and will change eventually. So even though I have to work twice as hard to get back to where I was just a few months ago, I'm willing to do the work. I'm far from defeated. 

So it may take me a little longer to get to my goal, but that's okay. I learn so much about life and discover new strengths everyday. It's been a roller coaster of sorts at times. So I will dig deep and start over again, not from the very beginning, but from where I am now. Let's see how long it takes to me slim down and tone up. A lot can happen in 4 months. I am aiming to get to my goal health by August 2016. Thanks for reading. Hoe this helps you as much as it helps me to share my journey. 

Peace and Blessings to All!

This is me on St. Patrick's Day 2016

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