Saturday, January 23, 2016

16 Month Progression Update

I offer these words with gratitude and thankfulness for this opportunity to share with you! May you receive this with love and compassion in your hearts! 

So I posted the picture on the right of me yesterday (On Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) after my back to back legs and abs workouts. I've been going through my phone and deleting old pics (needed more storage space to download memes, LOL) and came across the pic on the left. I took this picture back in August 2014 (the pic in the middle was taken right before I started working out in the gym with my trainer). As most of you know, this was when I decided that enough was enough and I started towards making efforts to change my life in healthy ways. It's been such an amazing experience going through this transformation. Looking back at how unhappy and unhealthy I was makes me a little sad. However, I feel so very humbled to see my results so far. Please understand, that me exposing this part of my life ( and these pictures...geesh) is very difficult, as I am a really private person. But despite my hesitancy, I hope that my story can help encourage  and motivate others to  improve theirs lives, just as so many people have helped me through my process.  

I've had a number of friends and family members ask me to share my story and my progress (I didn't realize that people were interested initially). So that is what sparked me to start this blog and also share more of my daily activities on Social Media. 

I have a confession!!  During the Month of December 2015 and part of January 2016 my clean eating slacked as well as my workouts - just slightly on my workouts though. I was really distracted with a lot of different things (Career Troubles, Money Issues, Dating Woes, Caught a Cold) so my progress slowed somewhat. I finally confessed to my personal trainer (but she already knew and could tell just by looking at me - she is good that way) and she was really supportive and reminded to put that in the past and to keep focused on what I need to work on now. So even though I fell a little behind my physical goals schedule, I just have to get back on it and work through it. So I'm back taking my supplements regularly and working out and eating clean. I'm not perfect and fall short every day, but I also strive every day to improve myself. Until next time....peace and blessings to all!