Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fitness Setbacks - When Life Gets In The Way

I haven't been as visible on this blog as I would like. My intention was to share my fitness experience and help encourage others along the way. In all honesty, time isn't always on my side. I never realized how much time it took to research clean eating, plan out meals and focus on my work-outs (even though I have a trainer who puts a comprehensive program in place for me every week) and I'm not even going to mention my full time job (not in fitness), family, friends, social engagements and daily/weekly social media presence (Facebook, Twitter and IG, Google Plus, Snap Chat, Periscope etc etc...). It's amazing how much health has consumed my life and I have no regrets with that being so. 

Unfortunately, I've fallen off focus over the past month. On top of not being as focused, which is really disappointing, I've re-aggravated a previous back injury. So I've been in quite a bit of pain and not able to work out like I have been in the past year. I've discovered that when I'm in pain or feeling down about having to slow my pace down, I do what most people do - reach for comfort foods. So I have put on about 15 lbs. - which makes me feel more disappointed and makes me want to reach for more comfort foods. Now my idea of comfort food isn't Mom's Chicken noodle soup. I have a ferocious sweet tooth and have been cheating on my clean eating. Which is probably why I have gained the weight. 

You see this is a vicious cycle. With the re-introduction of the high amounts of sugar, it effects my chemical balance in my body and causes me to feel a little depressed (sugar is to be respected and not abused). So I'm struggling right now. As I am typing this, I am at my 9 to 5, multi-tasking full of Advil pain medicine and an ice pack on my lower back. Not a pretty sight for me to share. But this is my real life and it if I'm going to share the wins with you, then I need to share to loses and ties as well. What I hope to accomplish here is to let people know that when you are in transition, there are going to highs as well as lows. Right now, I'm in a low (right really, but it sure feels like it), but all of that can change and will change eventually. So even though I have to work twice as hard to get back to where I was just a few months ago, I'm willing to do the work. I'm far from defeated. 

So it may take me a little longer to get to my goal, but that's okay. I learn so much about life and discover new strengths everyday. It's been a roller coaster of sorts at times. So I will dig deep and start over again, not from the very beginning, but from where I am now. Let's see how long it takes to me slim down and tone up. A lot can happen in 4 months. I am aiming to get to my goal health by August 2016. Thanks for reading. Hoe this helps you as much as it helps me to share my journey. 

Peace and Blessings to All!

This is me on St. Patrick's Day 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The First Day of Summer for 2016 is 6/20/2016 - Are you getting Beach Body ready?

Okay, we have 90 days or so until the first day of Summer (Here in the USA). Are you beach body ready right now? Can you slip into that amazing swimsuit that you've been saving right now and catch some rays without the cover up? Or are you still trying to get it together and putting off your health goals. Honestly...I'm just using the up and coming summer as an excuse to get you motivated to living healthier! Please don't hold that against me :-) I have to get your attention some how!

90 days is the perfect amount of time for you to transform yourself. All you have to do is eat properly and workout (also remember to drink a lot of water)!  It's just that simple. Hey, if you start today, you will be so very happy that you did when you look back 90 days from now.

Let's begin with getting into a regular workout routine and eating responsibly. When I say a regular work out, I mean at least 3 days a week. There are a number of reasonable gym memberships that can fit almost any budget (depending on your region) you can purchase. If you are not ready to commit to a gym or you just don't like the gym for whatever reason, you can find thousands of work-outs online and on most cable TV systems that you can do in the privacy of your home. There are also DVD's you can purchase (in most grocery stores and department stores - Target, Walmart, K-Mart, Burlington Coat Factory, TJ Maxx, Sears, JC Penny etc....) to help you get that body moving. I personally like taking classes to make sure that there is a professional trainer supervising me to make sure my form is correct when trying new things physically. Proper form when working out is KEY and can make a world of difference in your results!!

**It is so very important to first seek out a physician's advise and exam if you are new to working out to make sure you are in enough physical shape to start a new work out routine. You want to avoid injury if possible**

Don't keep putting it off! Stop neglecting yourself! Start by loving yourself enough to do right by your body. You only get 1 body - and if you are fortunate, you will have it very long time. Wouldn't you rather feel good inside and be strong? The body is so amazing - it has a tremendous capacity to heal itself with the right fuel/food (along with regular exercise). Do you know that if you start eating proper and working out today, you can start feeling better within days. Can you imagine waking up without that groggy feeling in the morning?  Waking up energized and with an improved attitude that can last most of the day. With proper eating and a regular work out routine, all of that is possible. The choice is yours. Choose to love yourself by taking better care of yourself. You won't regret it.

Peace and Blessings to all!!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

16 Month Progression Update

I offer these words with gratitude and thankfulness for this opportunity to share with you! May you receive this with love and compassion in your hearts! 

So I posted the picture on the right of me yesterday (On Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) after my back to back legs and abs workouts. I've been going through my phone and deleting old pics (needed more storage space to download memes, LOL) and came across the pic on the left. I took this picture back in August 2014 (the pic in the middle was taken right before I started working out in the gym with my trainer). As most of you know, this was when I decided that enough was enough and I started towards making efforts to change my life in healthy ways. It's been such an amazing experience going through this transformation. Looking back at how unhappy and unhealthy I was makes me a little sad. However, I feel so very humbled to see my results so far. Please understand, that me exposing this part of my life ( and these pictures...geesh) is very difficult, as I am a really private person. But despite my hesitancy, I hope that my story can help encourage  and motivate others to  improve theirs lives, just as so many people have helped me through my process.  

I've had a number of friends and family members ask me to share my story and my progress (I didn't realize that people were interested initially). So that is what sparked me to start this blog and also share more of my daily activities on Social Media. 

I have a confession!!  During the Month of December 2015 and part of January 2016 my clean eating slacked as well as my workouts - just slightly on my workouts though. I was really distracted with a lot of different things (Career Troubles, Money Issues, Dating Woes, Caught a Cold) so my progress slowed somewhat. I finally confessed to my personal trainer (but she already knew and could tell just by looking at me - she is good that way) and she was really supportive and reminded to put that in the past and to keep focused on what I need to work on now. So even though I fell a little behind my physical goals schedule, I just have to get back on it and work through it. So I'm back taking my supplements regularly and working out and eating clean. I'm not perfect and fall short every day, but I also strive every day to improve myself. Until next time....peace and blessings to all! 

Monday, January 11, 2016

You Are What You Think!

Time to check your thoughts! Are you frustrated with your weight loss/fitness goals? What are your telling yourself about your success? Have you decided that you can't accomplish it before you even try? Is it too hard? Or too expensive? Do you love food too much?

All of these thoughts can be defeating. You have to clear your mind of "Can't" and replace it it with "Will". It can be just that simple. Believing in yourself and capabilities will allow you to get to your goals and exceed them if you choose. If you have faith that you can get to the goal, you will get there (along with taking ACTION). Now, I'm not saying that it will be easy, but it can be done. You will need to also implement some discipline as well.

When you wake up tomorrow, start small by drinking an 8 oz glass of water along with a cup of green tea instead of coffee. Then take a multi vitamin along with a low calorie breakfast like a breakfast smoothie:


  • 1 1/4 cups orange juice, preferably calcium-fortified
  • 1 banana
  • 1 1/4 cups frozen berries, such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and/or strawberries
  • 1/2  plain Greek yogurt
    Stevia, or Splenda Granular (optional)

For many people it may be more effective to ease your way into clean eating and fitness versus going cold turkey. Maybe the next day you can swap out lunch or dinner with a low calorie/lean protein meal as well. Baby steps can take you far until you are ready to leap. However, the first baby step should be the belief that you can DO IT!

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year's Fitness Resolutions and Weight Loss

December 2014

December 2015
December 2015

I have been hearing a lot of my friends talking about their 2016 New Year's Resolutions. It appears that weight loss is at the top of a lot of the lists. I get a lot of questions about my "Diet".  So I'll focus a number of my posts this year on healthy eating habits. I use the word HABIT because that is exactly how I view it.

Quick fix diets in my experience only give you temporary results. You will lose weight initially, but it usually comes back as soon as you fall back into your old eating habits. To be honest, during the month of December 2015, I temporarily fell back into some really poor eating and drinking habits. With all of parties (for work and for my private life) it was really challenging for me to keep a clean eating regime. I indulged in all types of rich food and sweet drinks (in moderation). The positive part was that since I had worked so hard over the last 7 months with practicing clean eating and working out regularly, I didn't gain any weight. A lot of the friends unfortunately were not so fortunate.

You can't cheat your way to being healthy. You have to do the work. It will pay off and your will benefit in so many more ways than your could have ever imagined if you do it!

Here are some good ways to start to work yourself into clean eating:

  • Reduce your sugar intake
  • Reduce alcoholic beverages intake (only to 1 to 2 glasses a week - 4oz )
  • Reduce your Carbohydrate intake
  • Increase the amount of Green Leafy Vegetables and fruits you eat
  • Eat more lean proteins (chicken, fish, turkey)
  • Ramp up your metabolism by eating every 2.5 to 3 hours or so
  • Incorporate a daily multi-vitamin and/or supplements
  • Eliminate the intake of Fried Foods
  • Reduce your calorie intake
  • Reduce your sodium intake

Disclaimer: I am no doctor, so please consult a qualified physician for a more comprehensive health outlook and/or advice. I am just sharing what works for me. Results may vary for you.




Below is an example of a shopping list you can use as a guide for clean eating. Enjoy!

Friday, December 18, 2015

My Thoughts Coming Towards The End of 2015

First let me start this post by offering Gratitude and Thanks for this life. My intention is to share and hopefully help others with these words...

2015 had many ups and downs for me on a personal note. I had a serious reality check in January 2015 which allowed me to take a hard look at my life. What I discovered was I had lost my joy and happiness. I took a hard look at myself and my surroundings and knew it was time for me to stop hiding behind my ton of excuses and begin to LIVE in LOVE. What came from that was an internal and external transformation. I began to put Ashley first for the first time since I was 16 years. It wasn't easy at first. However, little by little, my path began to reveal itself. I forgave myself for neglecting myself to the extent that I lost my joy (and no longer could recognize myself in the mirror). I started to take the energy that I put in all of my external relationships and secular career and transferred that into ME. When that happened, everything inside and outside began to change slowly over time.

Fitness and Nutrition gave me a platform to spearhead my life to heights that I had never dreamed of. I know that sounds corny, but it's my truth. I forgave myself for neglecting my body for so many years. I forgave myself for all of the excuses as to why my life wasn't working for me the way I wanted. Once that happened, it seemed out of no where,  people and situations showed up to support me in positive ways that I never would have thought would happen. I put in the work everyday!!! Every single day, I got up and focused on creating the life I finally wanted to live. Losing weight is a great first goal. That was one of many goals that I had at the time. The biggest goal I set was to to be healthy - both mentally and physically. That perspective allowed me to to reach my weight goals (and exceed them). Now, by US standards a size 14 for a women is a little above average. That was my dress size as of 1/1/2015. However, I didn't want to settle for being an average person. I knew deep down inside that I wasn't living up to my Authentic self. As of today, I have shrunk down to a size 2. That is not to boast or brag. It's not my ego in the way. It's what really happened. That is my truth! I didn't do it alone. Many people helped me along the way. I am so humbled by the love that I received.

I have reached my fitness goals in a healthy way (in my perspective), by eating clean, working out on a consistent basis and keeping my mind focused on becoming the woman I knew deep down inside that I was destined to be.  I am sincerely thankful to all of the people who continue to support and encourage me. I am even thankful to those who have negativity and judgement towards my blessings. When you love yourself enough to  make a commitment to your happiness with mental and physical health, you will start to feel the love, freedom, strength and power that a lot of you probably desire deep down inside.

In 2016, I hope to be able to enter my first bodybuilding competition (and win some hardware:-)). I'm not 100% if I can do it yet, but I will continue to do my very best to see it into fruition. There is no limit as to where this can go with hard work and dedication by staying in love and gratitude. Peace and Blessings to you all! Until 2016.... I'll leave you with this..

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Beginning.....

Me in Palm Springs, CA Aug 2014
The right pic is from March 2015 - I'm wearing a corset

Not even sure where to begin with this. My intention is to share my transformation and fitness journey. Guess I'll just start at the beginning. For most of my life, I've been a relatively skinny girl (skinny fat). Way back when I was in High School, I even tried to gain weight so that my curves would attract love interests. It worked as I met my ex-husband/high school sweetheart during that time. After marriage and kids, I was actually smaller (weight wise - skinny fat) than I had ever been before. Now, let me share that even though I come from an athletic family (brother played sports in high school and/or college and so did my parents), I hated to workout. I was too cute to sweat back then.

Five years later, I was going through a tough time (divorcing) and had some eating issues. That was when I first discovered "Eating My Feelings". It was a crazy time and the pounds packed on. I was suffering from depression and not taking care of the body. I re-entered the workforce during this time. I was working in an office environment, so I sat and typed and talked on the phone 7.5 hours out of the day, 5 days a week. Of course, the office had an abundance of cookies, cakes and brownies that annually came in from clients and we had birthday breakfasts for the employees once a month that consisted of doughnuts and dim sum (we would have fresh fruit as well - but who wants that when you have a doughnut in your face).

Over time, the scale started showing numbers that I hadn't seen since I was 9 months pregnant. With the stress of  job pressures and deadlines and family issues, I ballooned to over 200 lbs. I had gained over 50 lbs in the 7 years working for my employer. I looked into the mirror and didn't recognize who I was anymore. I was no longer in 20's  I was in my 30's now and every diet gimmick I tried would work for a little while, and then I would fall back on my bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Then the weight would increase. Yo-yo dieting is so dangerous.

My poor body and spirit. I was at my lowest point ever.  This was in September 2014. I got up one day and went into my kids old room and took a body pic of myself in the mirror (I don't have a full length mirror in my room). I broke out crying. How did I get to this place, why would I do this to myself. I decided in that moment that I could not go on one more day living in this condition. This was the beginning of my life being changed forever. I shared my weight concerns with my Bestie Jae Nakish, and she told me about this book and cleanse that she had tried. It was the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by J.J. Smith.

I did the 10 day cleanse and lost 15 lbs. I was overjoyed!!! So I took a break for a few weeks and tried to get back on the cleanse, but I wasn't as diligent with it this time around. So I didn't see another significant weight loss, more like 5 lbs or so. This was around November/December 2014. The holidays were on us and I totally slacked off and indulged myself in every sweet and savory thing I could consume. New Years was approaching and I was still in a size 14/16. I began researching Plastic Surgery as an option to help me get the body I always wanted in early 2015. I was so unhappy with MYSELF. How did I get this out of shape!!

On my way to work, I saw a Planet Fitness advertisement for $0 down and $15 a month for membership (something like that). The last day of the offer was 5/15/2015. I walked into the gym on 5/13 (with my workout buddy Erica T.) and signed up to meet with a trainer for 5/14. This event changed my ENTIRE LIFE! I meet Janet Springfield, the TRAINER. She was very warm and understanding as I expressed my fitness goals and physical history to her. She was also very knowledgeable about fitness, the body and how to work with my past injuries and concerns. She asked me how serious I was about this, as she would help me if I put in the effort. I declared I wanted it and I would do my best. We just connected instantly. She gave me a strict eating regime and I signed up for the exercise classes and came 5 days a week. I followed the eating program and went from 174 lbs  to 155 lbs from 5/15/2015 to 7/31/2015.

It's amazing how fast the body responds when you're feeding it correctly (I'll share some of my eating program later) and practicing regular exercise. I still have a ways to go for me to achieve my fitness goals. However, I'm motivated and ready for my improved physique.

Taken a couple of days ago

This is the most recent selfie that I've taken. I'm about 150 lbs here. So year-to-date (YTD), I've gone from 208 lbs to 150 lbs. I'm happier that words can even express. This journey continues.....